Saturday, March 15, 2008

Family Factors

The last day of February will be a day always remembered in our family. Our newest grandson - Cody Ethan Alley - made his dramatic entrance into the world. Cody is the 1st baby for our son Graeme and his wife Minnie. Being born on 29 February, Cody is a genuine 'leapling'. He will be 'stoked' at his birthday because its the same day as his other Granfather - Darryl Anderson (Minnie's Dad) from whom we have been unable to remove the broad grin from his face! Family is important to us here in Papue New
Guinea. We have a large family 'back home' who love us and support us in every way. Knowing that we will be away from our family for so long makes the decision process more challenging. However in all these things, we bring them before the Lord and trust in His greater plan and provision for all of us. I particularly want to devote today's jottings to my mother, Betty Alley. Mum is not quite 'computer savvy', but at 86 years of age we don't expect her to. However, she does follow the 'blog' with great interest, so I thought she would get a 'kick' out of seeing herself on the internet - probably the first time. So mum, if you ask Brett to 'Google' your name, you will find hopefully now that this site will come up, which means that anyone in the world can read about you and see your photo. My mother is faithful in prayer every day for us in our ministry. These photos were taken not long before we left for PNG. I visited Mum with our daughter Sarah-Jane. The photo I particularly value is the one of Mum leaning over the balcony of her unit, a place where she has been hundreds of times over the thirty years or so that she has lived and owned her own Unit in
Canberra. This is always the final view we get of 'Nana' as we drive away from her Unit, a scene we have cherished countless times. I threw this one in Mum, because it was one of those rare moments where Julie and I are together with oursister Dawn. This photo was taken just days before our final departure for PNG, having a final meal with Mum and sister Dawn before a teary farewell that night. Family is not complete without Jack, the elder now of our two grandsons. We are able to see and speak to Jack now due to the technology of SKYPE. He gets very excited to see us and hear our voices, and even wants to give kisses to Grandma and Grandad through the computer screen. Jack is 2yrs and 3 months and is developing into a wonderful little boy. Well, I hope that Nana enjoys her photos on the 'net' for the world to see. We send our love to everyone 'back home'. There is much to share, and hopefully as time permits we can update you on some of the adventurous journeys that have taken place in these past few weeks.

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